Paying Our Blessings Forward

On December 14, 2012, a 20-year-old gunman fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In the days following this horrific event, then NBC anchor Ann Curry asked herself, “what can I do?” Her answer: “Imagine if everyone could commit to doing one act of kindness for each precious life lost. An act of kindness big or small. Are you in?”

Think about that for a minute—twenty-six random acts of kindness. At Beth A. Prather, P. A., we believe that kindness is contagious and that sometimes even a small gesture of kindness can restore a person’s faith in humanity.

In the spirit of this concept, this holiday season, Beth A. Prather, P. A. has given each employee $100 to spread kindness in their own way. Some acts have been small but many, while others have been one large impact on a local person’s life. Each one hopefully inspiring others to pay their blessings forward and touch someone else’s life.

Over the coming weeks, we will be posting our employees stories—their inspirations and what they received in return.

We would also love to hear your own stories of kindness given and received. Please email your stories to and we will share them on our Facebook page.

Our sincere wish is that we have given a little kindness, restored some faith and hopefully encouraged others to come up with their own acts of kindness. From Beth A. Prather, P. A., may you have a happy and peaceful 2015 Holiday!