Did you know that May is not only the month where Mother’s Day lands, but it is also National Elder Law Month? In honor of this special day, and special month, it can be a great time to reflect on how you can help your mom as she gets into the advanced stages of life. With people continuing to be committed to staying in their own homes as long as possible as they age, it can be important to learn how you can assist your mother in successfully aging in place. Let us look at some tips to help her do just that.
1. Communicate openly. An open line of communication with your mother about aging in place can be very important. Talking about aging and the challenges associated with it can be difficult, but necessary. Ask your mom about what would make her feel safe and comfortable staying at home. Is she worried about the work of cleaning and home maintenance? Does she worry about driving, but also worries about how to get around if she stopped? These are concerns you can and should tackle together.
2. Prepare for emergencies. You can also assist your mother in aging in place by helping with emergency preparedness.Whether it be a hurricane, flooding, or tornados, work with your mother to develop emergency plans. Create an emergency kit as well as evacuation protocol. This can bring peace of mind to you and your mother as well as helping to ensure you are both aware of what should be done in the event of an emergency.
3. Discuss how to accommodate changes to daily activities. As we age, our abilities may change. If your mother is finding it difficult to do day to day things such as bathing and safely walking around the house, you should discuss ways to make accommodations available to assist with these things. This can include everything from getting a walker to installing handrails in the bathroom.
4. Talk about how to stay connected. Feelings of loneliness and isolations are common among seniors. This can impact both mental and physical health. Think of some ways to help your mom remain connected and engaged with others. Consider having family members and loved ones schedule times to call or visit. Reach out to local senior community centers about programs they may offer.
Our office remains committed to serving the aging population as they confront the unique challenges of aging. For more information, resources, and elder law legal support, we are here for you. Please get in touch with us to schedule an appointment.